Where we work

DWF works in South Africa’s Eastern Cape, one of the poorest and least developed provinces

Training & Enterprise Centre
Hobeni, Xhora District
Mbashe, Eastern Cape

Head Office
P.O. Box 13402, Vincent 5217
East London, Eastern Cape

In parts of the region, unemployment runs to 89%, and most people live at or below subsistence level.

The Donald Woods Foundation’s primary focus is on the most severely deprived and isolated areas of the Eastern Cape province, where millions are unemployed and survive without piped water, sewage systems, electricity, roads or public transport. In addition, local people  have to contend with higher-than-average rates of HIV, TB and drug-resistant TB, alongside high levels of crime, particularly crimes of sexual violence.

Our funders

Our current funders include: Eli Lilly, Lilly Foundation through the United Way Worldwide, National Lotteries Commission,  Mylan,  Discovery Trust through Tshishikulu Social Investments and Sanofi. Without their generous support, our work would be impossible.

Our structure and registration numbers

The Foundation has two boards, one in South Africa and one in the UK, which are each registered with the appropriate bodies in their country.

Trust registration (SA): IT1390/2006

Non Profit Organisation (NPO) number (SA): 071-701-NPO

Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) number (SA): 930 030 167

Charity number (UK): 289 873


Our flagship Heath In Every Hut programme spans an area of about 200 square kms in the deeply rural Mbashe region of the Eastern Cape. This programme was initially located in the Bomvana, Hobeni, Madwaleni and Melitafa clinic catchment areas, but has since been expanded to also include the Soga, Nkanya and Xhora clinic areas. Our work includes clinic support at all seven of these facilities.


The Donald Woods Foundation is partnering with the Eastern Cape Department of Health to strengthen the province’s decentralised tuberculosis programme at a specialist TB facility in East London and Mdantsane.

DWF’s Drug-Resistant TB Project deploys more than 20 health workers at Nkqubela TB Hospital in Mdantsane and at 36 local clinics where they assist with direct observation of treatment, peer education and setting up and managing support groups.

In addition to their work at the hospitals and clinics, some of the health promoters are also working in Fort Glamorgan and Mdantsane prisons, where they assist with screening and raising TB awareness.

TB and diabetes screening is also a vital component of the Health in Every Hut programme in Mbashe. The Foundation is also forging stronger links with the Madwaleni Hospital’s TB team to assist with case finding and follow up care.